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NonsenseNYC, More Clayton Patterson, Vegetarian Wu-Tang Clan Members and More

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It's a good thing for the Columbus Day Holiday this Monday because you'll need time to recover from an action-packed arts weekend. Here's The Lo-Down's A&E Picks:

There will be a closing party this Saturday at Chuchifritos, the art gallery/project space located in the Essex Street Market.  The show has been a brief exhibition of the latest "Kangarok" The Shining Mantis,
a Brooklyn-based collaboration consisting of Mike Estabrook and Ernest
Concepcion. Engaged in mortal combat this past weekend, the resulting
mural will be celebrated this Saturday afternoon from 4-6pm.

LES documentarian Clayton Patterson will be presenting for the Coffeehouse Chronicles at LaMama (74 E. Fourth St.) this Saturday at 3 p.m.  Patterson will be showing slides and discussing his work from the 1980s on. Then on Sunday, Patterson will be back at Alife Presents (157 Rivington St.) at 3 p.m. to sign his new “Front Door Book,” a collection of photos of the hundreds of neighborhood people who posed in front of his door on Essex St. over a span of three decades.

Don't miss the NonsenseNYC party Saturday night. A "one-night physical manifestation of the Nonsense NYC email list,
celebrating 10 years of weird art and culture coverage in New York
City." The night will feature artwork by 75 artists and collectives, including local LES collecti0ve ABCNoRio, an all-night
dance party, and performances every five minutes. 3rd Ward 195 Morgan Ave., Brooklyn; 7-9p gallery, 9p-1a performances, 1a dance party; $10Tickets are still available at Bluestockings Book Store.

The first annual Veg Fest will take place on Sunday in Tompkins Square Park (East 7th St. between Ave. A & B) from 11a – 5p.  The Wu-Tang Clan's Masta Killa will be one of the many vegetarians on hand at the FREE event, along with PETA, yoga classes and even some Tai Chi.

United Film Festival is screening it's New York series of documentaries and narrative features at Anthology Archives (2nd Ave. and 2nd St.) through Oct. 14th.  This Sunday at 6:00pm, the festival will feature Meerkat Media's documentary, STAGES, which follows a group of older Puerto
Rican women from the Lower East Side who are brought together with a group of inner city youths to
create an original play from the stories of their lives. The film won best documentary and the audience award at the HBO New York International Latino Film Festival. Watch the engrossing trailer below.

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