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Follow-up: Stabbing, Rescue on Henry Street

Must Read

Yesterday we noted a brief item in the Post about an incident that occurred on Henry Street (near Clinton) Saturday morning.

In the story, “Stabbed Man Stuck on Roof,”  the newspaper reported: “A Lower East Side man was stabbed in the chest and had to be lowered from a roof by cops and firemen… The victim… rushed up the stairwell covered with blood… When emergency workers arrived, he was on the roof of an adjacent building.”

A Lo-Down reader sent us these photos yesterday. We’re told the man was apparently distraught and the stab would was self-inflicted. Emergency crews had to lower the victim to the ground, as you see here, because the stairwell was too narrow to bring him down in the stretcher. The man is hospitalized in stable condition.  It looks like he’ll make it through.

Given the circumstances of this story, we will not be publishing the man’s name. But a lot of people saw the ordeal and a lot more read about it, so we wanted to let you know more about what happened.

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