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Cracking Down on Gangs, LES Galleries “Young & Emerging,” Shang Celebrates

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Friday news links

The City Council is proposing new laws cracking down on gang recruiting.

East Side Our Town sizes up the race between Carolyn Maloney and Reshma Saujani.

Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh's statement on the failed gay marriage bill.

The New York Times' "special gallery issue," includes a fairly lengthy feature on the Lower East Side. Ken Johnson says the neighborhood is "not the new Chelsea and never will be." For the most part, he opined, LES galleries feature "young and emerging artists, which means that you see much that
is only marginally better than graduate student work. But you can also
discover exciting artists you’ve never heard of before. So no serious
art follower can afford to overlook the Lower East Side."  Here's a synopsis of the galleries mentioned  in the article. 

The Tenement Museum updates progress on the rear yard.

Huff Post has pics from this week's first anniversary celebration at Shang.

Serious Eats takes another look at White Slab Palace: the food is mostly good – the service? Not so much.

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