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jp bowersock

Local Band, Zerobridge, Celebrates Record Release Tonight at Mercury Lounge

Ex-Lower East Sider, guitar guru and yes, former Lo-Down contributor (see JP's Food Adventures), JP Bowersock has produced a new album, "Big Songs for Small Spaces," with the band zerobridge. They'll be celebrating the album release with a show...

JP’s Food Adventures: Mussels, Dutch Style

Mussels. They’re inexpensive, easy to cook, kind of celebratory, widely available in the neighborhood and delicious. Yet many never think of making them at home. Why not? Here’s one of my favorite recipes, given to me by an American ex-pat...

Food-Focused Shopping on the Lower East Side

I’ve heard complaints that our neighborhood isn’t so good when it comes to shopping. I may not buy much “stuff,” but I spend a sizable chunk of change on food, wine and other kitchen-related items. I think our neighborhood...

Pho Grand: “Authenticity” isn’t Everything

Buzzwords are funny things, especially when it comes to restaurants. Some places comically tout “authenticity," others present an expensive mishmash of ingredients as “fusion“, while still others bandy about words like “original," “modern” or “seasonal”. “Tapas” has come to...

In Search of the Perfect Chicken on the LES

Our neighborhood has traditionally been the home of immigrants, and continues to be so today.  I was surprised when a few friends, people who were raised outside of this country, expressed a dislike for chicken, America’s most popular menu...

JP’s Food Adventures: The Best of Eldridge Street

Editor's note: Today we're excited to introduce a new columnist. JP Bowersock is a Lower East Side resident, a professional musician and a genius in the kitchen.  In "JP's Food Adventures," he'll be introducing us to some of his...
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Brooklyn Fare Grocery Opens at “One Manhattan Square”

A lot of longtime residents likely thought they'd never see the day. But it's happened. About a decade after...
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