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Breaking News

Fire Breaks Out at Three Monkeys on Rivington Street

A fire swept through the Three Monkeys restaurant at 99 Rivington Street (at Ludlow) this evening shortly after 8 o'clock. Twitter users posted quite a few images from the scene. No one was injured and there's no word yet...

Lady Gaga & Anderson Cooper on Stanton Street

Cat Sitter in the City (via EV Grieve) breaks the blockbuster news that Lady Gaga and Anderson Cooper are hanging out on Stanton Street. Grieve reports: ...Lady Gaga is showing Anderson her old stomping grounds at 176 Stanton... it...

Follow-up: East Broadway Manhole Explosion

Here's an update on last night's manhole explosions on East Broadway (near Samuel Dickstein Plaza). We just got off the phone with Con Edison spokeswoman D. Joy Faber, who said workers are making repairs on corroded electrical cables today...
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Breaking: Transformer Explosion on East Broadway

Firefighters are on the scene at East Broadway, near Montgomery Street, where two manhole covers exploded shortly after 5pm.  It happened in front of the Emigrant Savings Bank and across the street from P.S. 134. No one was hurt...

Fire at St. James Church Extinguished Quickly

More than 100 firefighters converged this afternoon on St. James Church, the second oldest Catholic church in Manhattan.  Smoke was visible from the top floor when we arrived shortly after 12:30. Fire crews had trouble reaching the flames from...

Breaking: Fire at St. James Church

The Lo-Down is on the scene where a fire has broken out at St. James Church, (at 32 James St., just below Chatham Square) the second oldest Roman Catholic church in the city.  Smoke is coming out of the...
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Woman Killed in Ludlow Street Fire (Updated)

A woman was killed this morning when a fire swept through the second floor of 124 Ludlow, a tenement building near Rivington Street. The first call came into 911 shortly after 11am. Around 60 firefighters brought the blaze under control...

Fire Forces Evacuation of Building on East 4th Street

A fire broke out inside the Village Farm and Grocery, 69 2nd Avenue (at 4th Street), this morning at about 4 o'clock.  According to WPIX, seven residents were treated for smoke inhalation. People who live in the apartments say...

Our Most Viewed Stories of 2010

We still can't believe the year is almost over, but it must be true: there are 2010 retrospectives wherever you look!  We couldn't resist getting in on the act. Here are The Lo-Down's most viewed stories of the past...
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Apartment of the Week, Sponsored by LoHo Realty

Address: 455 Fdr Drive, #B303-304 Price: $999,000 Monthly Maintenance: $1920.00 Priced individually: 455 FDR Drive, B303 - 1 Bedroom Efficiency - $465K 455 FDR Drive, B304 - 1 Bedroom/Balcony - $535K Open...

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