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Squadron Loses Public Advocate Election; He’ll Remain in State Senate

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Daniel Squadron will be staying in the State Senate, representing Lower Manhattan and sections of Brooklyn.

Squadron addressed supporters last night. Phot via @jeansong1/twitter.
Squadron addressed supporters last night. Photo via @jeansong1/twitter.

His opponent in the public advocate’s race, Tish James, won yesterday’s runoff  in the Democratic Primary decisively — 59 to 40%.  She is assured of becoming the next public advocate (there is no Republican opponent).  She will be the first black woman elected to citywide office in New York. Only about 200,000 out of nearly three million registered Democrats voted.

Squadron gathered with supporters last night at The Delancey, a bar alongside the Williamsburg Bridge.  Here’s how Politicker reported his concession speech:

“This campaign was really about making the public advocate’s office a more effective force for those folks who most need it,” Mr. Squadron declared at his election-night party on the Lower East Side. “Foster kids, homeless individuals, those in city jails and together, I think we really did make sure those issues were talked about.”… “We also know that Tish James will be a great advocate for those communities and so many others,” he said, as one supporter cried “I doubt it!” “She ran a great campaign. Her supporters worked every bit as diligently as everyone in this room.”

Squadron was elected to the Senate in 2008.  If nothing else, he raised his profile considerably for future campaigns, gaining a lot of name recognition.  He’s widely expected to run for citywide or statewide office in the future.


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  1. “She will become the first black citywide officeholder”

    Hardly. Just off the top of my head, there was David Dinkins, and later Bill Thompson.

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