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La MaMa Roof Goes White to Stay Cool

While last week’s rain brought relief from the scorching heat, the La MaMa Theater underwent a change that should keep it cooler for the long haul. On Wednesday,  June 18th, the theater’s roof acquired a white paint job that...

My LES: Vanessa L. Bolger

This popular feature spotlights a wide variety of people who live and work on the Lower East Side. If you know someone you would like to suggest be featured in “My LES,” please email us here.   What do you do?...

Scenes From the New Museum’s Block Party

On Saturday, the New Museum held its annual Block Party in Sara D. Roosevelt Park.  There were all sorts of performances as well as crafts and other activities. Tim Schreier sent along some of his photos from the event....
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New Museum Opens “Ghosts in the Machine”

It's already been a big week for the New Museum and now the staff is gearing up for an eventful weekend.  On the heels of this week's opening of "Ghosts in the Machine," a sweeping survey addressing the relationships...

Chin Backs Bialystoker Landmarking

We have an update this afternoon concerning the fate of the Bialystoker Nursing Home building at 228 East Broadway. The financially troubled home shuttered last year, and the nursing home board has been negotiating to sell the property to...

Lost Dog at Corlears Hook Park

This lost dog is looking to return home today, after being found by Lo-Down reader Jenny Coffey this morning in Corlears Hook Park, at the intersection of Jackson and Cherry Streets. According to his rescuer, the canine wanderer looks...
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Lower East Side BID Outlines Plans for Expansion

The Lower East Side BID officially moved forward with plans to expand its boundaries yesterday, holding two public meetings to explain the proposal to neighborhood property owners, business owners and residents.  The meetings, a mandatory step in the government-approval...

Ken’s Music Pick: Dirt Heavy at Bowery Electric

Dirt Heavy are an alt-country rock band out of Nashville, TN. Spawned from a meeting of the minds by Matt Haeck (pronounced ‘Heck’) and CT Stephenson, two songwriter souls walkin’ around in landscapers' bodies. In that context, it’s easy to...

My LES: A.J. Rourk

This popular feature spotlights a wide variety of people who live and work on the Lower East Side. If you know someone you would like to suggest be featured in “My LES,” please email us here.   What do you do? I...
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Four East Houston Lots Sold for $12.4M

A large chunk of land on the Lower East Side is in the hands of new owners, who paid a total of $12.4 million for four properties along East Houston and Ridge streets last month, according to city land records. In two...
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Apartment of the Week, Sponsored by LoHo Realty

Address: 455 Fdr Drive, #B303-304 Price: $999,000 Monthly Maintenance: $1920.00 Priced individually: 455 FDR Drive, B303 - 1 Bedroom Efficiency - $465K 455 FDR Drive, B304 - 1 Bedroom/Balcony - $535K Open...

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