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sheldon silver

Ethics Panel Sends Lopez Report to Legislature; Silver Reportedly Cleared of Charges

This week, there was some news on the ongoing investigation of the Vito Lopez sex harassment scandal and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's handling of the ordeal.  The state's Joint Commission on Public Ethics referred its recommendations to two Legislative...

Sheldon Silver Re-Elected Assembly Speaker, Locals Help Celebrate in Albany

This week Lower East Side Assemblyman Sheldon Silver was once again re-elected as Speaker, a position he has held since 1994.  Silver invited a group of constituents and community activists up to Albany for the event and the governor's...

As Albany Controversy Swirls, Sheldon Silver Comes to Chinatown

Under normal circumstances, State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is a regular presence on the streets of the Lower East Side and Chinatown.   The longtime LES Assemblyman is legendary for keeping close ties to his constituents and to the community...

Video: Sheldon Silver Stands Up For Barack Obama

It's been a rough couple of weeks for our state assemblyman, Speaker Sheldon Silver, who's under fire for the handling of the Vito Lopez sex harassment scandal.  But last night at the Democratic National Convention the New York delegation...

Lopez Defies Sheldon Silver, Refuses to Step Down

As the Democratic National Convention moves into its third day in Charlotte, State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver continues to face tough questions from reporters about his role in the sex harassment scandal enveloping Assemblyman Vito Lopez.  Silver sat down...

Silver Asked Lopez to Resign; Speaker Keeps Leading Role in Charlotte

State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has gone to Charlotte, North Carolina for the Democratic National Convention but the controversy surrounding his handling of sexual harassment cases in Albany has followed him down south.  At the convention, Silver told the...

Latest Developments: Speaker Silver Under Scrutiny

Here's the latest on the controversy that erupted one week ago over Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver's handling of the Vito Lopez sex harassment cases... The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has launched a preliminary investigation into the Speaker's decision to...

Sheldon Silver Faces More Criticism Over Handling of Harassment Cases

It has been a week of very bad press for State Assembly Sheldon Silver, who finds himself in the hot seat over his handling of Assemblyman Vito Lopez's multiple sex harassment cases.  Here are the latest details. In addition to...

Silver Says Secret Settlement in Lopez Case Was “Wrong From the Perspective of Transparency”

As we reported this morning, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been under fire in the past 24 hours for a secret settlement in connection with the sexual harassment cases swirling around Assemblyman Vito Lopez.  Tonight the Speaker is out...

Sheldon Silver Faces Scrutiny Over Handling of Vito Lopez Sex Harassment Cases

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is in the media spotlight today following new reports regarding his handling of the Vito Lopez sexual harassment controversy.  On Friday it was announced that Assemblyman Lopez, Brooklyn's powerful Democratic Party boss, was censured in...
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Apartment of the Week, Sponsored by LoHo Realty

Address: 455 Fdr Drive, #B303-304 Price: $999,000 Monthly Maintenance: $1920.00 Priced individually: 455 FDR Drive, B303 - 1 Bedroom Efficiency - $465K 455 FDR Drive, B304 - 1 Bedroom/Balcony - $535K Open...
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