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American Apparel Celebrates 9 Years on the LES

The other day, American Apparel reached out to let us know they're celebrating nine years on the Lower East Side tomorrow.  To celebrate, the store at 183 East Houston Street is hosting a little party from 4-8 p.m., there...

Scenes From the 2013 Firecracker Festival

It was time to celebrate the Year of the Snake at Sara D. Roosevelt Park yesterday morning.  The Better Chinatown Society put on quite a show for the 14th annual Firecracker Ceremony.  Local dignitaries were there, including Assembly Speaker...

Holidays 2012: Keeping it Local on the LES

We continue our holiday guide today featuring a few of the sweet shops on lower Orchard Street.  We're taking a look at ways you can help support Lower East Side merchants, restaurants and non-profits this holiday season.  Remember your...
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Moscot Makes Move to 108 Orchard Street Official

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required)  this morning has confirmation of the long-rumored transition of Moscot Eyewear from 118 Orchard Street, where it's been a fixture for almost 80 years, across the street to 108 Orchard.   The iconic Lower...

Holidays 2012: Keeping it Local on the LES

We continue our holiday guide today -- a look at ways you can help support Lower East Side merchants, restaurants and non-profits this holiday season.  Remember your suggestions are welcome at tips@thelodownny.com. The guys at the Low Line (aka the...

Holiday Season 2012: Keeping it Local on the LES

The holiday season is always incredibly important to local retailers and restaurant owners. But this year, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, home-grown businesses need our support more than ever. So every day in December we'll be bringing you...
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Hester Holiday Market Opens on Mott Street This Weekend

Our friends at the Hester Street Fair are kicking off their holiday market this coming weekend.  The month-long event, held at 233 Mott Street (Prince), features some of the fair's most popular artisans and food vendors, plus "DIY" workshops,...

Weekend Events: Have Fun, Support Sandy Recovery

In addition to dining out at local eateries this weekend, there are plenty of other easy, fun things to do (art exhibits, movies, shopping, gardening) while also boosting a variety of Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. We've listed a few here;...

New Neighbor: Curvaceous K Hosts Open House This Weekend

A new boutique is in the works at 179 Stanton St. (between Clinton and Attorney)  Former home of MJ King's Art & Objects and Convent, Curvaceous K, a plus size women's retail shop has moved in.  Owner (and true...
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New Neighbor: Ethik Clothing Company at 23 Essex St.

When Chris Jennings and Alex Hage-Boutros moved into their new store a few weeks ago, one of their many challenges was cleaning out menorahs and other items left by the previous tenant, a Judaica store that closed this spring after calling Essex Street...
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Apartment of the Week, Sponsored by LoHo Realty

Address: 455 Fdr Drive, #B303-304 Price: $999,000 Monthly Maintenance: $1920.00 Priced individually: 455 FDR Drive, B303 - 1 Bedroom Efficiency - $465K 455 FDR Drive, B304 - 1 Bedroom/Balcony - $535K Open...

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